PSM applauds the reintroduction of the SHOP SAFE Act

On June 13, 2024, PSM sent a letter to Congressmen Darrell Issa and Jerrold Nadler applauding the reintroduction of the Stopping Harmful Offers on Platforms by Screening Against Fake E-Commerce (SHOP SAFE) Act. This legislation will enhance patient safety by allowing brand protection teams to track and trace counterfeit medicines sold via online marketplaces.
June 13, 2024
The Honorable Darrell Issa
2108 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
The Honorable Jerrold Nadler
2132 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
RE: Thank you for reintroducing the SHOP SAFE Act
Dear Chairman Issa and Ranking Member Nadler:
Thank you for your continued leadership in protecting American consumers from dangerous and substandard counterfeit products flooding the U.S. supply chain. On behalf of the members of the Partnership for Safe Medicines (PSM), we commend you for reintroducing the SHOP SAFE Act in the U.S. House of Representatives.
PSM is proud to support the SHOP SAFE Act as it is a critical step in combatting the influx of counterfeit medicines sold through online marketplaces that jeopardize the health and safety of American patients. We share your interest in enhancing patient safety by allowing brand protection teams to track and trace counterfeiters who sell fake, illicit and dangerous counterfeit medicines through online marketplaces.
Much of the enforcement of counterfeit medicines lands on the shoulders of these brand protection teams, who lack the power of law enforcement, and sometimes cannot even see the listings of B2C online marketplaces. The SHOP SAFE Act will provide them with the access and authority necessary to monitor for counterfeit listings and give them additional IP protections to enforce their trademarks. This, in turn, will help protect patients and reduce the plethora of counterfeit medicines available through these online marketplaces.
We appreciate your continued commitment to helping prevent dangerous medicines from reaching vulnerable patients and to further reducing the number of dangerous counterfeits online. The SHOP SAFE Act will go a long way to protecting the health of the American public from counterfeit medical products, and we support its reintroduction and ultimate passage through Congress.
Thank you for your dedication and efforts, and we look forward to continuing to work with you to protect consumers from dangerous counterfeit medicines.
Shabbir Imber Safdar, Executive Director
Partnership for Safe Medicines
About Us: PSM is a public health group committed to the safety of prescription drugs and protecting consumers against counterfeit, substandard or otherwise unsafe medicines. Comprised of more than 45 non-profit organizations, PSM studies counterfeit drug crime, threats to American patients, and educates the public, policymakers, and health care professionals about threats to the safety of the U.S. drug supply.