Americas Watchdog Describes Counterfeit Drugs Or Cigarettes Purchased On The Internet As A Global Ticking Time Bomb For Consumers & The Actual Manufacturers

Americas Watchdog and its Global Piracy & Counterfeiting Consultants are among the most quoted sources in the world on counterfeit drugs and cigarettes. The Global Piracy & Counterfeiting Consultants (Http://GP-CC.Com) are now strongly encouraging consumers worldwide to not purchase pharmaceuticals, any type of drug, or any type of cigarette on the Internet, unless the consumer is a 100% certain they are getting the legitimate product. Americas Watchdog describes the counterfeit pharmaceutical/drug and cigarette problem as, "a looming global disaster, that is nothing short of a huge ticking time bomb. It is no longer a question of if thousands will die, its simply a question of how soon". In addition, Americas Watchdog indicated that, "corporations thinking they can blame a government, or law enforcement for not doing enough about counterfeit drugs or cigarettes will not have a valid excuse, when the disaster happens or the series of disasters happen". "The next 9-11 type attack could come to the US, Europe, Australia, or Japan via counterfeit pills or cigarettes, and no one would ever know it was happening until it was too late".

7 January 2008

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