Canadian Steroid Ring Bust Uncovers Counterfeit Drugs

Police in Edmonton, Canada, recently busted an illegal steroid ring and found that the members were also in possession of counterfeit drugs.

Police are calling the ring a family-run steroid lab and distribution center and during the bust found $250,000 in illegal steroids and a quantity of fake erectile dysfunction medication, according to the Toronto Sun.

A father, a mother and their two grown-up sons face a number of charges in connection with not only distributing the substances but also manufacturing them. Another man was also charged as a result of the bust, which involved three houses in Edmonton, the news source reports.

Inspector Greg Preston said that his agency came across the steroid ring while investigating another matter.

“This was a spinoff of that,” he told the news source. “We don’t typically get involved with steroid files. It’s certainly not for a lack of use – quite clearly. We just don’t get that many complaints.”

Erectile dysfunction medication is commonly counterfeited because many men are embarrassed to obtain it through lawful channels. However, by purchasing such medication from unscrupulous sources, they are running the risk of potentially taking counterfeit drugs.