Conspirators Sell Counterfeit Medicine Over Email and Craigslist

A Maryland man has been implicated as an alleged partner to the Waldorf woman arrested for allegedly selling counterfeit medication out of her house.

34 year old Dwayne Skiles was charged with trafficking in counterfeit goods according to an unsealed complaint, reports The Washington Examiner.

According to the complaint issued by the District Court of Maryland, the tablets sold by Sarah Knott to undercover investigators were analyzed and found to be counterfeit medicine, containing a dangerous dose of active ingredient.

Authorities found more than 45,000 counterfeit pills in Knott’s home in January. The conspirators are accused of selling the pills on Craiglist and using email for advertising.

From email discovery disclosed in the warrant for Skiles arrest, the two conspirators openly discuss avoiding detection in their enterprise.

“I believe that if they send the money, there’s no law enforcement coming. They don’t know your address, your phone number or anything,” Skiles wrote in email to Knott.

On January 6, 2011, Knott stated in an interview with officials that he had received a large quantity of counterfeit erectile dysfunction medication from Skiles in late 2009, and that Skiles had admitted the medication was counterfeit.

Said Knott via email to Skiles, “We both know that if anyone is questioned… it will be to the only name that they have. Mine.”

By S. Imber